Boxed Failure Drill Rifle/Pistol

Sponsorship Drill of the Month

We currently have several new members on the Red Clover Concepts shooting team.  Our team puts in a lot of hard work and long hours working towards perfecting a craft that is ever evolving.   Between Airbnb’s, food, travel, match fees, ammo, personal time, and various other areas; quite a bit goes into setting the Red Clover Concepts team up for success.  With seven team members to consider, I wanted a way to help others out there reach their goals.  A lot of you put in hard work and mind your own business and that is to be commended, but I don't want your hard work to go unnoticed. So we came together as a team along with a few other local businesses, and came up with our Sponsorship Drill of the Month.  

How the Sponsorship drill works…

Each month we will put up a new drill, and all of you hitting the range can participate in a chance to win and test yourself against others around the U.S.  

Sponsors making this happen are:

Red Clover Concepts

Aegis Strength

Jalynn Lifestyle

Skallywag Tactical

JAX Nutrition

Gundo Holsters

Red Clover Coffee

And Others

We currently have $100 up for grabs to the person putting in quality work at the range.  Each month we will post one of our drills as the Sponsorship Drill of the Month, which will be one of the drills in the 2024 Apocalypse, and you will send us your video executing the needed criteria.  While not all of you have the Red Clover Concepts, All-In-One target, we will have the size and dimensions of the target areas needed for you to make your own target at home in order to execute this drill according to criteria.  Those sizes and dimensions will be posted on our Instagram and here on the website as well.  For how to run the actual drill, see the drill card below. 

For those of you that are serious about shooting and have been putting in the hard work and the time, this will be just another day at the range.  When we started this back in January, I received no less than 100 inquiries about the sponsorship in about 2 hours.  Some people just wanted a straight up sponsorship while others were intrigued and wanted more information; some asked what was needed from them in order to apply for the sponsorship.  Since I already have seven shooters on the RCC Shooting Team to manage and the majority of those looking for sponsorship will be across the United States;  I made it simple.  Each person wanting to submit a video that meets the criteria / parameters of the drill will buy in for $5 a submission.  All videos will be reviewed by those donating into the sponsorship and the person with the fastest time will win the money and prizes donated by sponsors, as well as everyone else’s buy in.  So if 10 people, out of the 100 plus that sent messages today, go to the range and video a drill and YOU have the fastest time; you get the $100 plus $50.  All for a the cost of a cup of coffee.  If you’re actually training and putting in the work then this will be no big deal; it’s a lot easier than what is expected of the Team Members on the RCC Shooting Team.  The submissions will be posted on instagram.


The video submissions… will be 2 videos

Video 1, showing us that your target and target areas are the same as the RCC All-In-One Target. On the target write Red Clover Concepts - Boxed Failure Drill Rifle/Pistol and the date. Show that you will be standing at 10 yards, via tape measure or range finder.

Video 2, (no more than 45ish seconds) showing…

SHOW THE TARGET on camera (a close up shot), then place it in position.

The camera will have to be in position on your weak side (at your 11/1 o’clock) a STEP OR TWO AWAY FROM THE TARGET, so we can see you reach holster/pistol. If possible place it behind the target offset so we can see the rounds pass through the target.

BEFORE you hit your timer, look at the camera and say “Red Clover Concepts - Sponsorship Drill of the Month - Boxed Failure Drill Rifle/Pistol” (Must be said to win, don’t forget)

Hit the timer, slings some lead.

Immediately after taking the last shot, show your timer to the camera hold it on the timer for 2 - 3 SECONDS so it’s not blurry on the camera; the time must be clear on the camera. *** Take your timer to the camera, don't bring the camera to your phone.***

At that point, pick up the camera and walk it over to the target. ******* Take 2 SECONDS to show us the entire target. Then hover a couple of INCHES AWAY (6”-8”) FROM EACH TARGET AREA so we can see them individually*******. Bullet holes TOUCHING the line do not count, EVEN if the bullet hole is on the inside of the line. If it touches the line it does not count. Hold yourself accountable and to a higher stander.

Then send us both of your videos on IG and obviously you have to follow our page.

STARTING POSITION for the Boxed Failure Drill. It will not count unless you… Stand at the low-ready; exactly like the example photo below.

BOXED FAILURE: This drill is designed to give you an advantage in a threat scenario where your up against multiple aggressors and they are wearing body armor or they just won’t go down. The drill itself will show how well you can manipulate your rifle and pistol, how quickly you can transition between weapons system and target area on multiple targets. Remember the brilliance in the basics.

July 2024 Drill of the Month

Low-Ready Starting Position